Wondering whether the mobile app you are thinking about will bring the expected ROI?

…even if it will be used?


MobiLab: Test it with us Before Committing!

We enable rapid prototyping and iterations that allow quick live piloting of a pilot app with many functionalities built-in!

We understand your business process and needs

Our Team has an business experience in your area.

We have recognized process design and consulting capabilities.

We can run field-based testing, analyze and report results.

Our platform allows easy prototyping and testing with maximum flexibility

Easy configuration (screens / workflows) with enriched mobile data capture

Deployment of a pilot is a matter of days

Leading edge cloud & mobile technology

  • Multi-devices – IOS and Android compatibility - Ability to work in offline mode – internet browser interface and dashboard included

Our MobiProjects products showcase our capabilities

We can support you for subsequent app development with a third party developer